Planning 101 | How to keep focussed while planning your wedding


Planning a wedding is tough, time consuming and can go from fun and exciting to stressful and overwhelming in a heartbeat.

Managing your time effectively will help you stay relaxed and chilled, help you keep your sanity and have your close relationships remain steady. 

There are so many decisions you will have to make, and it can be hard to lose sight of the bigger picture under all the choices. This is when you need to remind yourself of the reason you’re getting married - your love for one another and your next adventure together as a couple.

Focusing your attention on the right things makes for a less stressed bride, and keeps your planning fun!

If you follow the tips below, you’ll be the most relaxed bride on the block. These tips should help you keep your focus and attention on the right track :

Stop the excessive scrolling

It may take a little time to pick out your favourite style and elements. Pinterest and Instagram are great tools for inspiration but they can also be very overwhelming. Once you have picked these out, STOP scrolling. Too much scrolling is such a time waster! It can be very easy to get side-tracked and second guess your decisions and choices. If you manage your time well and go with your gut, you’ll find yourself right on track. 

Get organised

Whether you use a book, an app or a basic spreadsheet, keeping as organised as possible helps minimise stress and overwhelm! Plus it will make you feel so much better having all your wedding information in one place. It’s a great idea to create a wedding folder or even a fully separate email address for all the quotes and vendor communication you will receive during the planning. If you need help with organising all your thoughts and details, check out our planning bundle.

Delegate and ask for help

If you start to find yourself getting stressed or panicked, the best thing to do is to ask for help. There are so many people around you that would be more than happy to help you out with the planning of your dream day. Ask for help with the smaller tasks so you can focus on jobs that only you can do - like writing your vows. Wedding planners are also a great asset to utilise. They can help you pull all the details and elements of your big day together.

And when it all becomes too much (because we all know that there will be those moments!), remember why you’re here. Why you’re planning your wedding day. Stop the planning for a few hours (or a few days) and have a date night with your partner - without the wedding talk. It will help refresh and renew your energy. I promise!

Do you have any other helpful tips you can suggest for brides to keep their focus on the right track? Let us know in the comments below!

Image : Ashleigh Sky Photography


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