Planning 101 | Beach Weddings


You can’t deny we have some of the best beaches in the world right here in WA. And with winters that still feature beautiful warm days full of sunshine, it’s a no brainer that so many couples choose to marry on the beach. ⁠

But sometimes the elements that come with a trip to the beach can be more of a hindrance than help - and our sea breeze can definitely get out of control and blow sand everywhere at times! ⁠

The summer heat can make a beautiful day hot and sticky, and sand very hot to walk on. If you’re using a popular beach, there could be other members of the public around, who will stop and check out the proceedings, and guests may struggle to hear your vows due to background noise⁠.

The key is to be prepared for any bumps you may encounter! Think about your ABC’s when considering having your wedding ceremony on the beach - ⁠


You want to consider lighter fabrics for a dresses and suits if marrying in the height of summer. Nothing heavy or big. You don’t want your wedding party sweating through their outfits in the hot summer sun. High heels are just going to get stuck in the sand. Think about having bare feet or flat sandals. And don’t forget about your makeup or hair too - let your stylists know your beach setting so they can prepare accordingly and keep you looking fresh all day long.



We are blessed with stunning weather most of the year-round here in WA, but we do still get our fair share of rain, wind and storms (hello cyclones!). A backup plan for bad weather is always a must - not just for beach weddings, but for all outdoor celebrations. Discuss with your wedding planner or reception venue if there is an area nearby you can move the ceremony to if the weather does change on your day. And consider time of year when planning a beach ceremony⁠.



While there is a whole lot of open space for all your guests on the beach, you need to ensure there are easy access ways for everyone. You’ll need ramps or pathway options for those that may need assistance with walking, wheelchairs or even prams⁠ - if you have decided to allow children at your wedding. Grandparents or older guests may find it hard to navigate the sand, so having members of the wedding party or other close friends on hand to help these guests down to the ceremony area could also be an idea as well.

Did you get married on the beach? Do you have any other helpful advice for other brides or couples considering a beach wedding?

Photographer : Blue Media Weddings 


Real Wedding | Matt + Ivonne, Beaumonde on the Point


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