Planning 101 | 6 questions to ask yourself to kick-start your vow writing (2).jpg

Reciting vows in front of your soulmate is nerve wracking enough - but add in your family, friends and loved ones, and some people can turn into a nervous wreck! 

Remember that the words you are reciting are for your partner - your guests are just lucky enough to hear you say them.

To help you get the creative juices flowing, start by asking yourself these questions and writing down your answers. You are guaranteed to have some great material to add into your vows from your answers to these questions:

  • How and when did you fall in love? When did you know you were in love?

  • What do you most admire about them?

  • What do you hope for your future together?

  • What do you love most about them?

  • What have you experienced together that you never would have done on your own?

  • What does marriage mean to you?

It’s a great idea to also sit down with your partner and decide if you are going to have vows that have shared parts - with lines that start the same or whole lines you both like - or have vows that are going to be the same length.

You can definitely share your vows with each other before the wedding, but we think it’s a great idea to write them separate and save them for your wedding day.

If you really are stuck with what to write, sit and breathe through it. Trust what your heart feels and lean into the feelings of excitement your wedding day and marriage is bringing into your life.

And don’t leave writing your vows until the night before the wedding! This will only make you feel more overwhelmed. Start writing with plenty of time to spare. Trust me!

Image : Jypsea from blog “Elopement in the Dunes”


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