How to take care of yourself when planning your wedding


Let’s be real - wedding planning is hard. And overwhelming. Doesn’t matter if your wedding day is in a year’s time or in 2 weeks time. It’s highly likely you will feel stress or overwhelm at some point during your planning. Sorry to tell ya! 

But girl, trust me on this :

❤️ wedding planning doesn’t have to be hard, stressful OR overwhelming

❤️ you don’t have to elope to simplify or avoid the process

Yes, it takes an incredible amount of work! But it’s also such an exciting time - you’re planning your wedding day!! 

So to keep that overwhelm at bay, and those stress levels as low as humanly possible, follow these tips below to have the best wedding planning experience while staying as relaxed and chill as possible and avoid that planning burnout!


You’ll be fielding advice from left, right and centre as soon as you announce your engagement. Family and friends mean well when they ask for every little detail but this can get very overwhelming fast. Set a planning timeline and stick to it. Check off the main vendors first and then follow after with the smaller details, one step at a time. A monthly timeline or checklist can do wonders to help with this - we have one included in our planning bundle.


You don’t have to tackle your planning alone. There will always be people around you who are more than willing to help out. Delegation and letting go are key - or you’ll begin to drown in wedding details. If you can afford it - hire a wedding planner. Or at least a day-of coordinator - or a wedding professional to help out with any questions or queries you may have.


It’s very easy for wedding planning to take over your life and make you feel like you have no time for anything else. There’s a reason they say planning a wedding is almost like having another full time job! You need to remember to take care of yourself though - and to take regular breaks away from the planning. Schedule in that self care if you’re finding it slip away from you - and make sure you’re putting yourself first. Catch up with friends, get a regular massage, get outside - remember the things that bring you joy and make sure you’re still prioritising these. This will give you much needed refresher breaks and have you excited to jump back into planning mode again!


Don’t forget about your daily life too. While you may feel like wedding planning is starting to take over your life, if you can keep your normal life’s activities in your diary, you’ll maintain a sense of balance and be able to put down the planning for a much needed breather throughout the process. Of course, you’ll have a lot more time for family and friends when your wedding day has been and gone, but taking time out from planning and keeping up with your loved ones will also help you take care of yourself.

Follow these tips above and you’ll be the most relaxed bride ever walking down that aisle! And if you are struggling with any part of your wedding planning and would like a little planning help (without the planner), get in touch or schedule in a Prep Session with us now!


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